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Whether you are pre-planning for yourself or choosing for a loved one, casket selection is a very personal decision and an expression of your feelings. We understand these needs and offer a wide variety of caskets that can help you make your decision.

All of the caskets represented in this catalogue are manufactured by companies with strong reputations for producing caskets with high-quality materials and skilled workmanship.

In addition to our in-stock caskets, we can quickly get for you any casket available on the market.

Our Casket Selection

Cremation Casket

Grosvenor Mahogany

Grosvener Rimu

Status Mahogany

Status Rimu

Solid Macrocarpa

Solid Mahogany

Solid Rimu

Traditional Flat Lid

Solid Manchurian Ash

Traditional Chinese Style Casket in Mahogany